You can gain access to Monthly Catalog usage statistics for your institution from the Information Resources area (follow links for Information Resources > Administrator Resources > Usage statistics).
Note: you will need your username and password to access the Administrator Resources area.
Statistical Categories
All statistics are logged according to the following criteria in accordance with ICOLC guidelines:
- Time of day: All statistics are broken down by date and then into four time segments. Current statistics are recorded on a daily basis; archived statistics represent a month of usage divided up by time of day.
- Sessions: A usage session begins when a new user starts to use the Monthly Catalog interface, and ends when the browser they are using is closed. It is possible for a single 'session' to conceal several separate users.
- Searches: A search is intended to represent a unique inquiry from a user. A search is recorded each time a search form is submitted to the Monthly Catalog server - as such, this figure will also include refined searches, and searches resubmitted from the Search History facility. Usage of the Browse facility does not constitute a search.
- Hits: The number of hits returned by user searches. A very broad search could return thousands of hits; while a very narrow, directed search could return as few as one.
- Full records accessed: This figure represents the number of bibliographic records accessed by users.
- Searches returning no hits: Searches may be unsuccessful for a number of reasons. It may be that the user may have misunderstood the nature or contents of Monthly Catalog or may not have executed their search correctly. Alternatively it may be that the Monthly Catalog database does not contain what a user is looking for.
- Users denied access: Users are denied access to Monthly Catalog when your institution's allocated number of simultaneous users has been reached.
The Monthly Catalog Web Statistics are divided into the following four formats:
- User friendly
- For spreadsheet import
- Display directly in Microsoft Excel (Excel must be installed on your computer)
- Printer-friendly version (contains minimal formatting for ease of printing)